Monday, August 22, 2011


I recently posted the following entry on my entry page at Blessed Quietness Journal, a journal I have online for Bible believers.
I want you to read this article by an economist, a serious one, not a socialist freak.
Now the question: From this article, what do you learn about the thinking of the gurus of the world of economics?

SEND MAIL -- I will post comments in this area.


If you did not read the article linked to, the following response of a blog reader will mean nothing to you. So, please do read it.


The article you asked for email on sounds like a threat to me.  We Americans must force the rich to pay higher taxes, or the world will self-destruct from rioting.  So?  Events leading up to ushering in the Tribulation will not be all peace and love.  However, it's hard to see how we Christians can be around for it if we'll be placed in the position of defending ourselves with our guns.  In other words, lots of us would be overcome by the rioters and we would be raped and/or killed.  Americans who will think that they somehow have control over whether or not the poor riot, can certainly take the advice of the writer of this article and run with it as justification for their existences.  While we Christians will look up, for our redemption draweth nigh.  That's what I think.  Thanks for asking. 

The question is, I think, how many of us Christians will die by violence prior to the Rapture?  I hope none of us will, but I have already read of Christians being murdered in Egypt as a result of the riots there.  But the thing is, that most so-called-Christians are apostate to the point of being non-Christians.  I recall that the way is narrow and few find it.  How narrow?  I don't know.

It must have surprised Elijah to be informed that there were 7,000 besides him who had not bowed the knee to Baal, when he cried out that he was the last one left.  But still, 7,000 as a percentage of the earth's population back then is few.  That percentage, whatever it was, is indicitave of an extremely narrow way.

So, how many of us Christians can be killed by violence, and there be any meaningful number of us left to be raptured?  We are not appointed to wrath, so could God's wrath be represented by the rising of mob violence?  I don't know the answers to my questions.  Also, what I have noted is that starving people lack the energy to riot.  Rioting wouldn't do them any good anyway, so they simply starve to death as the hungry people have always done.  So, I think the author is afraid, and he's making a threat in order to be eaten last.


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